Rachel Crisci, Executive Director
1475 3rd Ave.
New Brighton, PA 15066
(724) 843-4600
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Beaver County is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and supporting one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the potential in youth. Since our founding in 1975, we have been a trusted partner in the community, serving as a beacon of hope and guidance for children facing adversity.
Through our programs, we match caring adult volunteers (Bigs) with children (Littles) to foster meaningful connections that empower youth to build confidence, achieve educational success, and make positive life choices. We provide ongoing support, resources, and encouragement to ensure these relationships thrive and create lasting impact.
We offer a variety of mentoring programs tailored to meet the unique needs of youth and volunteers:
Beyond School Walls: This innovative program connects local businesses with schools to provide workplace-based mentoring opportunities. Littles visit their Bigs at their workplace, gaining exposure to career opportunities, workplace skills, and positive role models in a professional setting.
Community-Based Mentoring: This flexible program matches Bigs and Littles to meet on their own schedule, participating in activities they both enjoy. Whether its visiting a park, attending a sports game, or simply grabbing a meal, this program fosters meaningful, long-term relationships in a supportive environment.
Site-Based Mentoring: Taking place at schools, this program focuses on providing consistent, structured interactions. Bigs (high school students) and Littles (elementary school students) meet regularly to share activities, play games, and focus on building social-emotional skills and self-confidence.